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OAG Services
The Navajo Nation Office of the Auditor General provides various types of services in the areas of auditing and consulting. Audit services are categorized into three general categories: performance, financial-related and special reviews. The consulting services are the management/advisory services provided to the Navajo Nation Council and various programs, departments and entities.

Below is a general description of the types of audit services and the consulting services. In addition, we have provided process flowcharts for selected services. View these flowcharts to obtain a better understanding of how such services are provided for Navajo Nation programs and Chapters (local governmental units).

1. Performance Audits - Assess the operation of Navajo Nation government programs, departments and entities to provide information on the efficiency of operations and effectiveness in achieving program results.

  • Program Results

  • Economy and Efficiency

2. Financial-Related Audits - Evaluate the adequacy of the internal control structure and accounting system of Navajo Nation Chapters to provide information on whether resources are accounted for, operations comply with applicable laws and financial reporting is reliable and accurate.

  • Compliance

  • Fraud Investigations

3. Special Reviews - Limited examination with much narrower scope than an audit, undertaken for the purpose of addressing specific issues.

  • Corrective Action Plan Follow Up review

  • Local Governance Certification review

  • Sanction review
Technical assistance provided by the Office of the Auditor General to help government officials and employees improve performance. Technical assistance include:

  • Evaluating corrective action plans for adequacy and effectiveness
  • Evaluating internal control processes to improve performance
  • Conducting management studies
  • Participating in meetings or work sessions
  • Reviewing Financial Statements

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